DIY Positivity Postcards!

In Clifton StrengthsFinders, JGSD - Just Get Something Done by ConnieLeaCreativeLeave a Comment

When was the last time YOU received HAPPY MAIL? Did you do anything to JGSD today? How about making some homemade postcards to send messages of hope & positivity to your friends & loved ones that are cooped up & lonely right now?  Remember back in the day when we got “FREE DOUBLE PRINTS” when we developed our camera film? Well, I never got around to giving very many of those doubles away like I intended, so they are now my favorite way to make postcards!

It’s as simple as this!

1) Draw a vertical line on the back of the picture to separate your message from the To
& From addresses. Use the right side for addresses & stamp and the left side for
your message.

Use one of those skinny little return address labels you have a few hundred of in your junk drawer from organizations you have donated to. (Hint – if you donate to the United States Olympic Team, you won’t run out for a very long time, unless rescheduling the Tokyo Games brings on extra budget cuts!).

Clearly write out the name & address of the postcard recipient.

Affix a 35 cent postcard stamp in the upper right hand corner. Yes, this is a 20 cent savings over mailing an envelope!

Write your message on the left side. I’m leaving it up to you if that message will be embarrassing if their mail carrier or other house mates happen to read it! LOL!

A permanent marker can also be used to add a message on the photo side.

If you only have single prints and you don’t want to part with them, you can copy them onto photo paper or white card stock to use. Keep in mind the measurements shown below that will be allowed with a 35 cent stamp. Another option is to recycle the front of a used greeting card if it fits the measurement requirements.

Don’t have any postcard stamps on hand? You can order some super cute 35 cent Coral Reef stamps directly from the United States Post Office website. $7 for a sheet of 20 or $35 for a roll of 100. Here’s the link:

So let’s all JGSD (Just Get Shit Done) today and send out some postcard messages of love & appreciation for those that are still going to work everyday to make the world better for all of us!   Feel free to post your creative postcards below to share your ideas with others.

Thanks for stopping by today, sending Happy Hugs from Connie Lea!

“Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary.” ~ Margaret Cousins

#Positivity #DYI #CliftonStrengths  #JustGetShitDone  #JustGetSomethingDone  #HandcraftedPostcards  #SparksOfKindness #RandomActsOfKindness

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